All righty, welcome back to CPL pest control podcast channel. I am your host, Christopher Villarreal, President, General Manager of CPL, Pest Control, Houston division, and today we are talking about termites swarming in the Houston area. So it is that time of year again, and the termite swarm season is upon us. And so what does that mean for you as a homeowner? What does that mean for you? As a person who has a dwelling and you see these termites swarming? What does this mean? And should I be worried. So those are all concerns that we’re going to address here this morning. So let’s go ahead and talk about the termites warm season as a whole. So every springtime, and it just kind of depends, sometimes it starts a little earlier, or ends a little later. But usually, you’re looking at somewhere between March to mid June, we have what’s called the termite swarm season. And so what happens is, termites operate as a caste system, whether we’re dealing with dry woods for Mohsen or subterranean. They operate as a caste system, you have your queen, you have your workers, your soldiers, your reproducers, your queen is the top dog, she’s going to lay the eggs, she’s going to do her thing. And she sends out workers to go and extract cellulose from wood in wherever it is that they’re extracting this food source from, so she sends her workers out to go do that, then she keeps your soldiers by the colony to keep the colony safe. And then she lays what are called reproducers. And the reproducers are the ones that have the wings. And so the reproducers have one goal in life. And that is to go out and start a colony somewhere else. And so typically, what they’ll do is, termites have a terrible perception of eyesight. And they don’t need their eyes are in the ground or in the walls, they’re in wood, they don’t need their eyes, but they have a great perception of light. And so what will happen is, is Termites will swarm up towards light, wind will carry them. And then that’s where they that’s where they land. So a lot of the times where termites land is just a it’s a matter of a variety of factors, wind direction, light placement, and so on and so forth. And so that’s kind of a general idea of what what’s warmers why they swarm, right? So they’re looking to go start a colony somewhere else, which can be a little concerning, right. And so then the next question is, well, if I see termite warmers, do I have a problem? Well, that may depend. And so termite warmers are an indication that there is a problem somewhere in the near vicinity, it could be a dead tree, could be a pile of wood, or it could be some somewhere inside your house. And so really, it takes a really good inspection and a really good inspector to go out and determine where is where is the problem coming from. And so to kind of give you an idea, I’ll tell you a little story here of what happened a couple of weeks ago with respect to some swarmers. So this lady gives us a call out in Bellaire, little subdivision there in Houston, and gives us a call and says I had my regular pest control company come out, and I saw some flying insects, they came out and they confirmed that they were termites, as you say, you’re some background. We cut down a tree and we replaced a fence. And that pest control company said that those were subterranean termite swarmers and that those swarmers were coming from either the dead tree or some pile of wood, but they were coming from the outside. So I said okay, well, if you wouldn’t mind, and so she was calling because she was looking for added peace of mind. So I said, if you don’t mind, I’d love to go out there and give you a free inspection, just so that you can have a peace of mind as to where these termites are coming from. And so we go out and automatically we know we’re not dealing with subterranean swarmers but we’re dealing with dry wood termites warmers, and so that’s the first that’s the first thing you have to do in a proper inspection is you have to identify the what you’re dealing with, right? We’re there’s three major species of termites around here and we got to to analyze which one are we dealing with? And so the to understand what are we looking for characteristics, things, things of that nature. So, we go out and we we figure out that they’re dry wood termites, warmers, and we say okay, well, what’s the next step? We got to start looking for some frass we got to start looking for some areas where they would habitually be. So we started looking in some of those areas, we start looking for indications of frass. And, and other things and, and can’t find anything. So then we say, Okay, well, let’s eliminate where they’re coming from. Are they coming from the inside? Or are they coming from the outside. So we go outside and set up a little, a little system, little method that we used to determine where they were coming in from. And they weren’t coming from the outside, there was no swarmers on the outside, but they were all on the inside. So we said, okay, the problem is somewhere here on the inside. So then the next the next thing became, well, where where’s the problem? What is the problem? So we’re, we’re looking and we spent a good deal of time looking because we wanted to give this customer peace of mind. And lo and behold, she had a sofa, sofa that is sat in her house for over 20 years, sat in his house was structurally sound was fine, but I was out of ideas of where they could be. And so I last ditch effort. I said, let me see if we can flip over this sofa and find something and when I flipped over that sofa, you could hear the frass inside of that sofa moving around, and I said this is the problem. Sure enough, that was the problem. And so you can actually check out here we just did a YouTube video on on that project and on that issue, and so feel free to go to youtube look at that video, look at the sofa, look how we treated it Look, look what we did to exterminate the issue. And now you can have a better idea of that, but But anyway, but we sit we I told you that story, because I wanted you to know the you know the how much of proper inspection is necessary a proper inspection inspection is necessary to determine where the problem is coming from is it coming from the inside is decoupled from the outside. So those are things that we here at CPL, pest control are doing to make sure that you know, we know where the problem is coming from to give you the peace of mind, is it a pile of wood outside or is it something on the inside and then and then like I said, we got to we got to determine what type of termite we’re dealing with. Montgomery county Kingwood area attached casita for most in termites love that area. And for most of termite is the super termite. And you don’t want to be dealing with those guys. And so very important that if you see those little golden brown, larger size, reproducer, reproducing swarmers very important that you get someone out there don’t even have to be CPL, pest control, but get someone out there, you those, those Termites can do significant amount of damage and just a short period of time. So very, very important. That you that you get someone out there, if you see that. And if you see any type of Swarmer give us a call, we’re here for you, I’m here for you, I’ll use the best technology to give your give you peace of mind. Because your home really is your you know, most most folks most you know valued investment and and you don’t want it to get eaten up by termites. And so there’s a lot of things that can happen in this world. And bugs are preventable bugs can be treated. And you don’t have to let your home be eaten up by termites.


So if you think or if you see swarmers give us a call this season, I’m here for you. You can reach us at 281-683-6737. Like I said, I’m going to use the best technology to give you peace of mind. I’ll spend whatever time is necessary to make sure that your home stays termite free, this termite warm season so give us a call to 812-683-6737 and as always ask to speak with Chris, for your free promotion. So thanks for listening to this podcast. Let all your friends know that we’re here for you. And we’d love to go out and inspect your home for free. Give us a call again. 281-683-6737 Thanks for listening, and we hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

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