Snakes are slithering all over Conroe, TX!

Snakes are all over Conroe, TX this winter! We here in Conroe are experiencing an unusually high snake population. We have received so many calls concerning Snakes inside of homes, in gardens and underneath crawlspaces. Snakes are everywhere in the forests of East Texas this year. So many snakes have been showing up that backyard […]

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Why Does Spring,TX Have A Problem With Silverfish?

Many homeowners in Spring, TX may not realize they may have a problem with silverfish in their homes until it is too late. Perhaps it is when you realize your family photos have been destroyed, or perhaps when you go to read your favorite book only to realize it has been chewed away by some […]

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Raccoons, Squirrels, and Rats Have Taken Over Conroe Attics!

When the fall and winter seasons roll around, there is a drastic increase in wildlife in attics all across the United States, and Conroe, TX is no exception! This isn’t just true for wild animals such as bats, skunks, and raccoons; this also includes squirrels, mice, and rats. These rodents are out looking for somewhere […]

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Gnats Are Invading Conroe Kitchens!

Winter is a much better time to be outside than the summer, mainly because there are hardly any pesky insects. But now, as spring approaches and temperatures begin to rise, Conroe homes are being attacked by one of winter’s most annoying pests: gnats! This past week we have received a handful of calls regarding gnats! […]

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American Roaches Have Invaded The Woodlands, TX!

This season we are getting dozens of calls regarding American Roaches. Otherwise known as the “Tree Roach”, these Roaches are large and they mean business! They are invading The Woodlands,TX! From residential homes to commercial establishments, no one is safe this winter from the American Roach! Roaches have become a problem this winter because they […]

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Rodents, Mice and Rats Are Invading Houston Texas

All right, welcome back to CPL pest controls podcast channel. Today we are talking about rodents. And so this time of year is the time of year where our attention changes, if you will, from dealing with most insects, right, like your ants and your spiders and your roaches, and our attention begins to shift […]

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What Kind Of Bugs Can You Expect in The Woodlands,TX?

The Woodlands, TX is one of the most inviting places to live in the Houston area! With a hot real estate market continuing into the Winter, many folks find themselves still relocating in early 2022. Never before has the Woodlands, TX been so popular with new families moving in. With it’s proximity to Interstate 45 […]

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New Year…. New Pest In Conroe, TX!

2022 is just around the corner! Another year gone! We have had fun here at CPL Pest Control in 2021 but we are excited about what the future has in store here in Conroe, TX and throughout the entire Houston area in 2022. Here in Conroe, TX you can expect all kinds of bugs this […]

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Mud Daubers Are SWARMING Conroe, TX!

Mud Daubers are swarming Conroe, TX homes this December! This last week we have received MANY calls concerning Mud Daubers. However, most folks are not familiar with what a Mud Dauber looks like. Most folks here in Conroe confuse the Mud Dauber for the Wasps or Hornets. But they are entirely different! Mud daubers are […]

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Carpenter Ants Have Captured Spring, Texas!

Homeowners in Spring, Texas have noticed Carpenter Ants all over the place this winter! We have received so many calls concerning Carpenter Ants in Spring, TX that most people are starting to wonder why?? In short, Colder temperatures have failed to drive Carpenter Ants away from Spring, TX homes and instead has driven them towards! […]

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