German Roaches Are Hiding ALL Over Houston, TX!

Houston residents, beware! German roaches are on the rise in our city. These roaches, which are also known as Blattella germanica and Croton bug, have been found hiding in homes and buildings across Houston. They feed on a variety of foods including but not limited to starches, sugars, grease, meat products and even wallpaper glue! These roaches have the potential to transmit a number of diseases, including salmonellosis and dysentery.

To protect your home from German roaches, it is important to keep your house clean and free of clutter. Make sure food is stored in sealed containers and that all surfaces are wiped down regularly. Be sure to check your house for any cracks or crevices that could serve as hiding spots. If you suspect a roach infestation, contact a pest control professional right away. Do not attempt to eliminate the problem on your own, as this could worsen the situation.

Taking steps to prevent German roaches from entering your home is key. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of an infestation is also important in order to protect your family’s health and safety. In Houston, it is crucial that residents remain vigilant against German roaches so we can maintain a safe living environment for all!

Lets talk a little bit about German Roaches in this article!

Why do I have German Roaches in my Kitchen?

German roaches are the most common and persistent household pest around, and they’re often found in kitchens. These pests can come from outside or from an infested item brought into your home. Once inside, German roaches seek out sources of food, water, and shelter — all of which can be found in abundance in kitchen environments.

How do I get rid of German Roaches?

Eliminating a German roach infestation requires a multi-pronged approach. First, it’s important to identify and eliminate the conditions that attract these pests. This could mean clearing out clutter, sealing up cracks and crevices, fixing faulty plumbing, and regularly cleaning and disinfecting.

Next, use a combination of traps, baits, sprays, and other control products to eliminate the roaches. Keep in mind that you must find the source of the infestation for complete elimination — patched cracks or crevices might keep them from coming back in, but won’t get rid of those already inside your home.

Finally, make sure the infestation is completely eradicated before you stop taking measures to prevent German roach re-infestation. Regularly cleaning and inspecting your home for signs of new infestations can go a long way in keeping them away.

What Do German Roaches Look Like?

German roaches are small — usually ranging from ¼ to ½ an inch in length — and light brown with two dark stripes on their bodies. They have six legs, long antennae, and can fly short distances.

German roaches are small, oval-shaped pests with two long antennae on the head. They’re usually a tan to light brown color, but can be darker in heavily infested areas. They have six legs and two pair of wings, although they rarely fly.

How Can I Tell if I Have German Roaches?

German roaches are most active at night and can be seen scurrying around in search of food. In addition to seeing the pests themselves, there are other signs that may indicate a German roach infestation. These include egg casings (oothecae), shed skins, and dark spots on walls or cabinets where droppings have accumulated.

If you think you might have German roaches, the best thing to do is contact a professional pest control company. A qualified exterminator will be able to assess the situation and provide the most effective treatment options for your unique infestation.

What To Do If I Have German Roaches?

Call CPL Pst Control today for your FREE Inspection and Quote! We promise to do a thorough inspection so we can tailor a treatment that is right for you and your home! Give us a call today and as always… ASK FOR CHRIS!

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