Termite Swarmer
How Can You Tell The Difference Between Swarming Ants and Swarming Termites?
Swarming ants and swarming termites are both common sights during the warmer months of the year. However, they are very different creatures. Knowing how to tell the difference between them can help you determine whether you have an infestation on your hands. Termites are soft-bodied, social insects that live in colonies. They feed on the […]
Why Do Termites Swarm In Spring, TX?
Termites are out and about this Spring! With just a few weeks away from Spring, temperatures are already starting to climb. As temperatures climb so do insect populations. Unfortunately, this time of year, we deal with a very specific pest… the Termite! Termites are swarming all over the Greater Houston area this year! Termites swarm […]