Seeing Moles in Magnolia, TX? You’re Not Alone!

As the seasons change, so do the challenges faced by homeowners and land managers in Woodlands and Magnolia, Texas. This year, one particular nuisance has been wreaking havoc on the tranquility of these areas: moles. These small underground mammals may seem harmless at first glance, but their presence can cause significant damage to lawns, gardens, and woodlands. In this article, we’ll delve into why moles are particularly active during this season, the havoc they’re causing, how to identify their presence, and most importantly, how CPL Pest Control is tackling the mole problem with effective solutions.

Understanding Mole Behavior:

Moles are active throughout the year, but their activity tends to peak during the spring and fall seasons. This increased activity is primarily driven by two factors: mating and foraging. During the spring, moles are busy seeking mates and establishing territories, while in the fall, they are preparing for winter by storing food reserves. As a result, they become more visible and their tunneling activities intensify.

Havoc in The Woodlands and Magnolia, Texas:

Moles’ tunneling behavior can wreak havoc on lawns, gardens, and woodlands. Their shallow surface tunnels create unsightly ridges and mounds, which not only detract from the aesthetic appeal of the landscape but also pose tripping hazards. Additionally, their digging can damage plant roots, leading to wilting and dieback. In woodlands, moles can disrupt soil structure and plant growth, impacting the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

Identifying Mole Activity:

Recognizing the signs of mole activity is crucial for effective management. Common indicators include raised ridges or molehills in the soil, as well as shallow tunnels just beneath the surface. Plants may also show signs of damage, such as wilting or uprooting due to mole tunneling.

CPL Pest Control’s Approach:

At CPL Pest Control, we understand the importance of addressing mole infestations promptly and effectively. Our experienced technicians employ a combination of bait and the Gopher RX system to eliminate moles and prevent further damage to properties in Woodlands and Magnolia, Texas.

Baiting: We strategically place mole bait in active tunnel systems, enticing moles to consume the toxic bait. Our baits are formulated to be palatable to moles while minimizing the risk to non-target species.

Gopher RX System: The Gopher RX system delivers a lethal dose of carbon monoxide gas into mole tunnels, effectively eliminating moles without the use of chemicals. This eco-friendly approach ensures minimal disruption to the surrounding environment while providing long-lasting results.


Mole infestations can pose significant challenges for homeowners and land managers in Woodlands and Magnolia, Texas, particularly during the spring and fall seasons. However, with the expertise and tailored solutions provided by CPL Pest Control, residents can rest assured that their properties are in capable hands. By combining baiting techniques with the innovative Gopher RX system, we’re committed to effectively managing mole populations and preserving the beauty and integrity of the landscape. Don’t let moles wreak havoc on your property – contact CPL Pest Control today for comprehensive mole management solutions.

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