The Woodlands, TX Has A Vole Problem!

Voles, also known as field mice, are a common sight in The Woodlands, TX. They can be found living in gardens and lawns, along trails and roadsides, and even in wooded areas. Voles are small rodents that vary in size from 3 to 10 inches long. They have short tails and ears with dark fur and stocky bodies. Voles are active during the day and night, although they tend to be more active at dawn or dusk. They feed on a variety of vegetation including grasses, roots, bulbs, stems, fruits, fungi and seeds.

Voles create shallow tunnels in search of food and shelter. These can extend up to 30 feet long and may be 3 to 4 inches in diameter. Voles can also cause damage to gardens or lawns due to their feeding habits. This can range from chewed-up plants, holes in the ground, and even uprooted vegetation. To manage vole damage, it is important to keep potential food sources limited (by removing overgrown vegetation) and to secure the perimeters of gardens or lawns. Keeping cats as pets may also help reduce vole populations, since they are natural predators of these rodents. Additionally, trapping is an effective method for reducing vole numbers around your property. Traps should be placed in areas of high activity and checked regularly to ensure humane removal of any captured voles. While voles may be a nuisance, proper management can help reduce their numbers and the damage they cause.

By taking the necessary steps to reduce vole damage, you can help ensure that your garden or lawn remains healthy and intact. With careful monitoring and management practices, The Woodlands can continue to be a safe haven for these small rodents without too much disruption to its environment.

How Does CPL Pest Control Take Care of Voles?

Voles Treatment In The Woodlands

Why Do We Have Such A Big Vole Problem In The Woodlands, TX?

The Woodlands, TX is home to a large population of voles due to its mild climate and abundant vegetation. The area’s dense forests provide an ideal habitat for these small rodents, who can easily find food sources like grasses, roots, bulbs, stems, fruits, fungi and seeds. This abundance of vegetation also provides shelter and protection from predators, allowing the vole population to thrive. Additionally, a lack of natural predators in the area has allowed voles to spread unchecked which, combined with their high reproductive rate, has led to an increase in vole numbers within The Woodlands.

What Can I Do To Keep Voles Out Of My Yard?

There are a few steps you can take to help manage vole populations in your yard. Firstly, it is important to ensure that food sources are limited by regularly maintaining and removing any overgrown or dead vegetation. Additionally, consider keeping cats as pets, as they can act as natural predators of voles. You may also want to use traps to capture any voles in the area. Traps should be placed near areas of high activity and checked regularly to ensure humane removal of any captured rodents. By following these simple steps, you can help reduce vole numbers around your property and keep your garden or lawn free from damage.

What Do I Do If I Have a Vole Problem?

Call CPL Pest Control for all of your Vole and Mole problem needs! Don’t let Voles take control of your yard, give us a call today for your FREE Inspection and Quote! Call 281-683-6737, and as always… ASK TO SPEAK WITH CHRIS!

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